Tom van Dutch | Photography

Command bunker

AndCommand bunker

F.rankreich 🇫🇷

Visited: 05/ 2019th

Online: 23.12.2020

D.he original bunker was built by the Germans between 1907 and 1912 and was part of a fortress belt.

During the two world wars, the bunkers were used by both the Germans and the French.

Even massive American bomber and artillery attacks were unable to destroy the bunkers.

The French expanded this facility considerably and used it from 1953-1958 as part of air defense and from 1963 as
Command center of the French Air Force until the facility was closed in 2006.

A 400 meter long corridor led into the heart of the system, the command center.

There was a 4-story building from which operations were conducted.

There were still plans and maps on the wall showing the situation during the Yugoslav war.

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